The Asheville Digital History Working Group is comprised of student interns and faculty in the UNC-Asheville History department, and receives our direction and support from Jim Samsel.
Asheville Digital History Working Group Vision and Goals
- Long-term vision (5 + years)
- People will have a more inclusive sense of history
- Community building and community involvement (have them help to write the history, let them decide what should be in the story)
- Local history will be more accessible
- Long-Term Goals (Specific kinds of projects)
- Video project
- App for self-guided tour
- Overarching website that could act as a hub/bring smaller projects together in one space.
- Short-term vision (1-3 years)
- Have our community group help to frame the community history
- How do we make these projects more visible/How do we get these projects “out into the community?”
- Short-Term Goals:
- Involve AVL/BC schools/students in our efforts
- If we get students involved, that would help root the projects in the family/church/neighborhood, thus increasing community involvement.
- Need to bring Tiece Ruffin into the project, as she has important connections, and her intro to education class would fit well into this project.
- If we get students involved, that would help root the projects in the family/church/neighborhood, thus increasing community involvement.
- Create a website to display Brooke’s database work (can build on this in the future)
- Gene recommended that we consider an NHPRC grant to plan/implement a website on which we can build some of these materials.
- Other digital projects that could fit into an expanded website/digital platform
- Af-Am women — mapping project? Blake Esselstyn has expressed interest in doing GIS work — so how about mapping projects? Redlining, other mapping projects. Perhaps he would be interested in working on a project that maps Black women’s lives?
- Downtown businesses — much of the research has been done/materials out there to produce some good digital resources.
- Redlining/urban renewal
- Involve AVL/BC schools/students in our efforts